White-tailed Deer

White-tailed Deer in southeast Georgia.

White-tailed Deer -- the most common deer of North America. White-tailed deer and it's cousin the Mule Deer, are the only members of this family found in the North American deserts.
White-tailed deer generally prefer open woodland, but are often found on the fringes of urban areas and in farming country.
Deer are extremely cautious animals with keen senses of smell and hearing. White-tailed deer feed on twigs, leaves, bark, shrubs, the fruits and nuts of most vegetation, as well as lichens and other fungi.
They can run as fast as 40 miles per hour and are good swimmers.
Unlike most other hoofed mammals, which have permanent, hollow horns, only male deer grow antlers, which they shed each year. Antlers do not serve as weapons against predators, but are used during the mating season, when the males fight to breed with females.
For Native Americans and early European settlers, deer meat (venison) provided one of the most important sources of protein. Deer hides were used to make buckskin jackets, moccasins and other leather articles.

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Click the thumbnails for photos of deer at the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
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